
noun, com·mu·ni·ty often attributive \kə-ˈmyü-nə-tē\

Full Definition of COMMUNITY

1 :  a unified body of individuals: as

a :  state, commonwealth
b :  the people with common interests living in a particular area; broadly :  the area itself <the problems of a large community>
c :  an interacting population of various kinds of individuals (as species) in a common location

Following Jesus’ example of serving others, the Park family seeks to glorify God by serving our community and the world. Here are some ways members of Park Avenue are engaged in serving:

Bella Vista Apartment Ministry: Park partners with Agape to serve and meet needs of residents at an under-resourced apartment complex in Memphis.

Children’s Ministry: We have Bible classes, service activities, and other events designed specifically for children.

Youth Ministry: This work combines relationships, Bible classes, service events, trips, and other events for the spiritual development of teenagers.

Campus Ministry: Park partners with Soma to serve students at the University of Memphis.

Seniors Ministry: We have a luncheon for senior citizens nine times a year in our fellowship hall.

Global Missions: Park’s support of international ministry has a long history.