Nonogaki Reports – June 2017

Brother Stephen Carrell Leaving Japan – Jun 29, 2017

On 6 July Bro. Stephen Carrell will fly to the US and leave Japan for good.  He came to Japan with his parents, former missionaries, Bill and Norma Carrell when he was a little baby.  He grew up in Japan until the age of 16.  Later years he decided to become a missionary to Japan. He has been in Japan for about 30 years. About 2 years ago he lost his precious wife Debbie. After a long prayer, he has decided to go back to the states and work with Japanese people in the US.

Would you join me in prayer for his well being and work?

Missionaries Wanted – Jun 29, 2017

We need a missionary to work with us.  Jesus says, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.  Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest.” (Matt. 9:37-38).  If you know anyone who is interested in working with us, please let us know.  He can stay in the church building (not the best place of the world).  We really pray to the Lord and ask Him to send us workers.

I expect him to work with both the American congregation and the Japanese congregation.  This may not be easy, but we need to stay focused.  He may preach and teach for the American congregation.  But the main focus of his work is on Japanese outreach.  Ideally, he should be fluent in Japanese, but it is not necessary.  I have seen some effective missionaries without language skills.  Such a missionary makes Japanese natives think “he is one of us.”  It all depends on his personality and character.

My Visit to US Churches – Jun 29, 2017

I was going to visit US churches this spring or summer, but I have to postpone it.  I will stay in the US at least for two weeks or more.   I need to find someone to take care of the Yokota congregation for me while I am gone.  Right now tentatively I am thinking about visiting US churches in summer 2018 if the Lord is willing.

The State of the American Congregation – Jun 30, 2017

There are only a few people in the American congregation.  We have been in this kind of situation before, so it’s nothing new to me.  There is only a morning service on Sundays.  We have faithfully kept our Wednesday Bible study.  I am willing to preach and teach a class as much as I can.  But there must be a limit I can do.  So I hope and pray that some more people will come, or some missionaries to help us.


