The Time Is Limited – Aug 16, 2017
Recently a couple of older Japanese preachers and ministers passed away. Probably next year and the following years more of them will pass away. This is the fact of life. Death comes to everyone. This makes me think that I have to raise up and educate men who are able to teach and preach the gospel. Japan School of Evangelism, where I teach classes, does this kind of work, but that is not enough. I have trained a young man since last year. He has preached seven times so far. Every time he preaches, he improves his communication skills and gets better than before. More importantly, he has to grow spiritually. He has been faithfully growing too.
I have another man in mind who I want to help to become a preacher. He and his wife were with us for a couple of years 2013-2015. They moved to a different prefecture, but I have kept in touch with them even after that. They are fine Christians. I pray that they will come back to us so that we can work together for the cause of Christ.
Dual Responsibilities – Aug 16, 2017
When I came to Yokota Church of Christ in 1996, I did not expect to preach and teach for the American congregation extensively. I was single minded to establish a Japanese congregation using the American Yokota church’s facilities. That was only my purpose. God had a different plan. First, God put me to help the congregation to build a new church building. We completed this project in 2008 with the power of God and the help of many Christians. Second, God put me to help the American congregation with preaching and teaching. This is not an ideal situation because I think I am not here at Yokota to work with the American church. It seems there are no escapes for me. Third, God put me to work with a Japanese congregation as I had desired.
I still pray daily that God’s will be done in my ministry and I will be free from the dual responsibilities. I would appreciate your prayers and support.
Fixing Our Eyes on the Lord – Aug 18, 2017
When I studied the history of Christianity throughout the ages, I found there was a cycle of repeated events in it. (1) the church grows, (2) false teachings are spread, (3) Christianity is divided, (4) persecutions take place, (5) the repentance of Christians.
Yokota Church Members’ Business Card – Aug 18, 2017
I made a Yokota Church of Christ member’s business card a couple of years ago. I put each member’s name on it with the church’s information. I have revised it and put church’s name instead of the member’s name. On the back of the card, I put the vision and mission statements of the church. I have encouraged each member to carry it in his or her wallet.