Ray Report Dec 31 ’08

December 31, 2008

The Christmas season has come and is now past. Tonight this year will be over. This past month has gone quickly. We had parties or preparations almost everyday in the past few weeks. We had programs at two convalescent hospitals. This is the only time of year that we are allowed to share the story of Jesus with the elderly residents. Most don’t show many emotions, but some really show us they appreciate us being there. We give them each a fancy handmade Christmas cookie. They are happy and so are we. We had a great time. We also had children’s parties and adult parties. All had fun and the story of Jesus went out to more than 400 people.

Now we are planning for the next year. More and more work is being taken over by the members as Jean and I are getting older. Like everyone, we have our health problems and our bodies don’t move as smoothly as we wish, nor as fast. It takes me longer to prepare sermons and classes. It is also harder for me to teach little children. I like to do it, but my body says to slow down.

We just finished winter camp, yesterday. About 45 campers came to work and study about God. All had a good time and no one froze even though it was cold. We started a new cabin as well as other work. My body is now feeling it.

This past year was a good one. Marc and Elissa came to spend about a year and 5 months with us. They did a lot of work and put a lot of excitement back into the church. They went back to do some church planting in Oregon and Marc will work on his master’s degree. Please pray for them in this new work and that their new son, Caeden will grow up to be a great servant of the Lord.

Please pray for our son Kenneth and his wife in California, that they can find a good place to work for God, that they can put their trust in Him and love Him as we do. Also, parents worry about these troubled times and about their children that they can continue to have work, a place to live and food on the table. We know that many of you are struggling to get by these days. We continually pray for you, too.

We wish you a Happy New Year and a closer walk with God in 2009.

Serving Him in Japan

Marlin and Jean Ray

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