Japan School of Evangelism (JSE) began September 15, 1989. Originally located at the Ochanomizu Church of Christ building, the school was subsequently moved to the Tachikawa Church of Christ building about 1994. Tachikawa is a city in Tokyo.
The Tachikawa building has a library, classrooms, main office, and dorm rooms which are available for the students. Besides the regular academic studies, a weekly chapel time and lunch together are some of the weekly activities at JSE. The courses offered at JSE are designed to provide students with a good foundation of Bible knowledge, biblical tools, and useful skills for preaching and teaching, as well as some practical experience as they visit area churches and hear lectures from brotherhood speakers.
The strong emphasis is laid on a proper understanding of the Restoration Movement, which explores the unique roots of the churches of Christ and helps focus on our identity as New Testament Christians. JSE seeks to train students in the skills they will need to carry the Good News of Jesus Christ to many in Japan. We are thankful for the many prayers and efforts made to provide a good Christian education.
Dr. Jack P. Lewis served as honorary dean for the school from its inception in 1989. Through the years he has been a source of encouragement and support as well as giving special lecture series. Many of the faculty are his students and his influence continues to be felt through them.