Grad School Cookout

3:30 PM – Frisbee game
5:15 PM – Park members for setup
5:30 PM – Guests

For some reason, we didn’t get this posted on the site (until now).  From Mike White, via email:

The cook-out for incoming Harding students will be this Saturday, August 22nd.  There is a frisbee game at 3:30 PM with a meal at 5:30 PM.  Flyers have been distributed to the students and once again they anticipate this annual event.

Plan on coming and meeting the new students and welcoming them to Memphis.  The cook-out will be in the courtyard of the student apartments at 1000 Cherry Road.

If you would like to offer your assistance, you can contact Joseph and Laura Kelly through this email or by calling them at (610) 937-5830.

And from Joseph Kelly via email:

For the HUGSR cookout this weekend we could use volunteers for the following items:

  • 2-3 Crock pots of baked beans
  • Deserts
  • Ice Tea or Lemonade
  • Baked goods for goody baskets (Amish “Friendship” Bread would be great. Contact me if you need a starter)

If you are willing to bring any of these items, please email me at and let me know what you can bring. I want to make sure that we don’t end up with 15 crock pots of baked beans.

Thanks for your help. Laura and I appreciated the event last year. I am sure that the students will appreciate it this year as well!


Another update from Joseph:

You may bring your baked goodies to the church building on Friday. Vivian Ryan will be at the building at 5:30pm putting together the baskets and dividing the baked goods up. There will be 11 baskets, but if there are enough baked goods, we will share them with all the HUGSR students.

If you want to provide baked goodies but won’t have time until Saturday to do some baking, feel free to add your goodies to the bags when you arrive on Saturday. It might be best to show up just a few minutes early (5:15).

So far I have volunteers for:

  • 1 crock pot of baked beans
  • 2 desserts
  • 2 “I will do whatever doesn’t get volunteered for”

If you plan to bring something, let me know by sending me a quick note.





