by Tank Tankersley
God withheld many abilities from me, but some He granted. All of us can say that, can’t we? Oh, I’ll concede that there are those irritating few who seen to be able to do everything, but they’re so few and far between that they need not now divert us. Most of us are good at some things but not so good at others. To ignore this reality is to court frustration. If you’re short, slow, and uncoordinated, it is unlikely that a career in the N.B.A. beckons. But you might well be a super star at some other undertaking. This doesn’t mean that one shouldn’t pursue his dreams with all his energy, but simply that one should make every effort to discern what his strengths are. This is especially important for the Christian, isn’t it? If God gave us some abilities but not others, isn’t it prudent to conclude that He desires us to serve Him by doing those things that He’s equipped us to do and not those that He hasn’t? If we ignore the distinction, isn’t that tantamount to telling God that He got it wrong?
And once we’ve determined what we’re capable of and what we’re not, what motivates us to make the most of what we’ve got? For many it’s a desire for money, of course. For aspiring tower-builders at Babel it was a desire to “make a name.” Many have followed that example. I suggest that a nobler motivation is the satisfaction that comes from a job well done. For the Christian it gets even better. We can share with our Lord the pleasure that comes form knowing that with our efforts God himself is pleased.
Using those talents with which God has blessed us, be they spectacular or mundane, may not make us rich. It may not elicit the praise, or even the acknowledgment, of men. But what of it? If with our efforts God is pleased, what else matters? And if, by chance, money or praise should come our way, let us hasten to give God the credit, for we know full well that every blessing come from Him.