Nonogaki Rpt – Jan 14 ’10

Strategy for spreading the Good News of Christ

I have realized over the years that people around the Base have lots of prejudice against Americans and Christianity. It is strange enough that people living far from the Base are more interested in the Base and tend to be open to Christianity. I need to change things around by the wisdom of God.

First, I need to make the church building more open to the community. I would like to use the building for the comif they wish to use it for a good purpose. I pray Lord will give us an opportunity to serve people in the comuunity.

Church sign on utility pole in front of church builging.
Church sign on utility pole in front of church builging.

Second, I would like to put more ads in the town. Here is one of the ads I recently get installed. A new church sign will be installed in front of the building this month.

Third, this is related to “being open to the community and ads.” I would like to bridge the gap between the church and the community. My sponsoring congregation in Memphis TN has “Family Festival” to invite people in the community. I would like to do a similar things if Lord willing.

New Year Worship Service

New Year's worship assembly at Mito church building, Ibaraki.
New Year's worship assembly at Mito church building, Ibaraki.

On January 11, 2010 New Year Joint Worship Service was held at Mito Church of Christ. About 100 people gathered together in the name of Jesus Christ.

I really appreciate your prayers.

In His Service, Masa


