Nonogaki Rpt – Jan 26 ’10

New Sign

We finally got a church sign set up in front of the building. This sign is not very big, but big enough for people to notice who we are. I plan to get another sign set up in the other side of the base. Please pray for us that we will reach out to people to bring as many souls as possible to Christ by the power of God.

New sign in front of the building – "Yokota Church of Christ"
Sign board attached to building with various activities and assemblies listed.

News Article in Local Newspaper

We have put an ad in a local news paper. I talked to a man from the local paper and told him about opeing up our building for the Japanese community. He has gladly offered to write a news article introducing us, Yokota Church of Christ, without any charge whatsoever.

On 22 January, the ariticle introduced Yokota Church of Christ with a nice picture. I think step by step we are improving.

When I came to Yokota in 1997, our Japanese neighbors completely kept ignoring me when I said to them, “Hello.” That was very shocking to me. But now we have been making good relationship. I hope this article will help people in the community know about us more and more. I pray that we will reach out to the community and let them know about Jesus Christ.


