Hysten Rpts Links

Ken and Etsuko Hysten family - Oct 2012
Ken and Etsuko Hysten family – Oct 2012

Mailing address: 141627 Okitsu Naka-cho; Shimizu-ku; Shizuoka-shi Shizuoka 4240204

Email address: KandEHysten@yahoo.co.jp

Ken became interested in mission work in Japan during a Pacific Rim tour through Oklahoma Christian University. After graduating from Oklahoma Christian University, he returned to work with the Mito church of Christ in Ibaraki in 1998. He and Etsuko, a native of Ibaraki, married in 1999.

He served the Mito church as young adult minister until 2006. They moved from Ibaraki Prefecture to Shizuoka Prefecture to work with the Okitsu church. The Okitsu church was established in this little community before WWII.

They began work with the Nakada church in 2009 in the prefectural capital Shizuoka. He works with the minister for the Nakada church, Fumio Maeda.





