Japan Church News – Mar ’10

March Issue Fukuin Shi

Scripture reference: “I have set you an example …”  John 13:15

These are some of the church news items taken from the March issue of the Fukuin magazine. The church listing is in order from north to west Japan.

Mito Church (Ibaraki)

Prayer request: The Mark Hancock family, who have been in Japan for 17 years, will move to the states by the start of summer.  Two missionaries in training will begin work with the church starting in May.

Ishioka Church (Ibaraki)

A Coming of Age Ceremony (Seijin Shukufuku Shiki, 成人祝福式) was held January 17.  Three were celebrating the coming of age.  We pray that the coming life they will live will be blessed by God.

Ibaraki North Ministers’ Meeting – February

The monthly meeting of ministers from Ibaraki north was held at the Ishioka building February 8.  Those present were: Osborn and Ingle – Sendai; Watanabe – Hanakawa; Tadokoro and Saito – Taga; Ataka and Uzawa – Omika; Shigekuni – Hitachi Ota; Aikawa – Shirosato; Fukuyama – Katsuta; Tsuneki – Mito; Noguchi – Ishioka; Iwazaki – Tsuchiura

Haruna Church (Gunma)

Welcome.  Sister Suzuki (graduate of ACU and former Mito church member) moved to Takasaki as an English teacher.  She is a third generation Christian.

Ochanomizu Church (Tokyo)

On February 14 Nakano-kun was baptized and became a Christian.  We pray that God’s rich blessings and protection be on this new brother.

Tokyo West Minister’s Meeting – February

The meeting of the Tokyo west minister was held on February 15 at the Numadzu building.  Those present were: Eric, Obata, Carrell, Sagitani, Shinozaki, Suzuki, Nonogaki, Hysten, Fukushima, Maeda.  During the morning Eric led the group in a study entitled “Nurturing Disciples.”


