Japan Church News – Apr ’10

"… take up your cross daily …" Luke 9:23

2010 All Japan Ministers’ Meeting

Rich Little of the Naperville church in Chicago will be the guest speaker for the June 1-3 All Japan Ministers’ Meeting.  He will speak on “Becoming the Lord’s Disciple – 2 – Putting It into Practice.”

Hitachi Christian Camp (Ibaraki)

The Spring Hitachi Christian Camp will be from May 3 to 5.  The theme for the camp will be “I Am the Vine” from John 15:5.

Naha Chuo Church (Okinawa)

On March 8 brother and sister Uza went to Sosu camp to work.  The temperature dropped to 7 degrees Celsius so they worked in the cold.

Okitsu Church (Shizuoka)

Brother Shinozaki (Numadzu church minister) spoke on 1 Peter for the Japan School of Evangelism “Golden Koza” on March 13.  There were 14 in attendance.

Sagamidai Church (Kanagawa)

We are thankful for brother Abe’s baptism January 31.

Ochanomizu Church (Tokyo)

On March 7 Oyama-san and Uehara-san were baptized and became Christians.  We pray that for the Lord’s guidance as these sisters begin their Christian walk.

Each week we receive delicious Ochanomizu Ramen.  This requires men’s help.  Please brothers help with this.

Haruna Church (Gunma)

“The Abundant Life” was the theme for the gospel meeting March 17-19.  A elder and deacon from the Herrington’s overseeing church, Northside, in Wichita Falls KS were in Japan to visit them.  Each plus Paul Herrington gave lessons for the series.  Attendance for the three night was 28, 29, and 30.

Ibaraki North Ministers’ Meeting (Tomobe, Ibaraki)

The March meeting of ministers from churches in Ibaraki and north was held in Tomobe on March 8.  The following ministers were in attendance: Koiwa – Takahagi; Kushida – Hitachi; Tadokoro, Saito, Alexander – Taga; Ataka, Uzawa – Omika; Aizawa – Shirozato; Fukuyama – Katsuta; Tsuneki – Mito; Ray – Tomobe; Noguchi – Ishioka.  The study time was lead by brother Tsuneki from Ephesians 4:12-16 on the topic of church growth.

Mito Church (Ibaraki)

On March 28 Yamazaki was baptized.  Hallelujah!



