Terrence Report – May 26 ’10

I know it has been a couple of days since I sent out a report about what I am doing with LST. Where to begin?

I will start by sharing an experience I had with one of my readers. Last week, during our normal reading session, I noticed the lesson was on the Parable of the Lost Son in Luke 15.  This parable is one of my favorites because the story of the lost son is also the story of my life and my walk with Christ. I explain this to my reader and right before I could ask him to read the parable, he turn the table on me and ask me to read.

Surprise, because the reader usually loves to read, I read the parable and then share my walk with Christ with him.  When I had finished he share his story with me.  Before that session was over a door was open to a friendship between two people with one goal, Christ.

I thank God for allowing me to be here, to share my life, and to turn around and hear other people’s stories. This week is my last week here.  It seems like my trip just started and now it must end.  Pray for my team as they shift my readers into their schedules.  Pray for me as I have to say goodbye to people I have grown to love and care about in just three weeks.



