The Haruna church of Christ in Gunma Prefecture celebrated the seventh anniversary of its establishment July 19, 2010. This city was a place of refuge for brother Obata as a child during World War II. His dream was to return to this area upon retirement and establish a congregation.
After over 30 years as minister in one of the largest cities in the world, Tokyo, he saw the fulfillment of that dream in 2003. Through the help of many they were able to build a meeting place for the church and begin reaching out into the community.
Last year the Herringtons came as missionaries committing to helping for two years (here are their reports). Combining their efforts with the Obata’s has made an impact on the community.
Many gathered for this celebration of seven years work. We pray that there will be many more as they reach out into the community. Below are some pictures of the worship assembly commemorating the seventh anniversary of the establish of the church in Haruna. The pictures are courtesy of brother Nomura.