Albright Japan Trip – Aug 13 ’10

This is an update on the past week’s activities.  It continues to be hot here though we got a break a couple of days ago as a typhoon past to the west of the island.

Fellowship time with the Matsudo congregation following morning assembly.

Sunday, August 8, we worshiped with the Matsudo congregation in Chiba Prefecture.  This congregation was started 50 years ago by L. T. Gurganus.  They will have their 50th anniversary assembly next year.  Steve and Debbie Carrell are working with this congregation and will complete their third year in October.

Following worship someone pulled out some old photographs of Motosu Christian Camp.  One of the members at Matsudo was a fellow staff member for the camp some 28 years ago.  It was fund to see young faces and remember the joyful times we had at camp.

That evening we worshiped with the Ochanomizu congregation.  They have been in their new building about 9 months now and it is very nice.

One reason for visiting the Matsudo church first is to go with the Carrells to Costco.  We can get some food items in bulk at a savings.  This is a good time to talk about their work, the church situation in Japan, and other things that missionaries have in common.

65th Annual Summer Seminar in Ibaraki

We had one day of study at Tachikawa before leaving for Omika in Ibaraki Prefecture.  This is where the Ibaraki Christian University is located and the venue for the 65th Summer Seminar.  I was asked to speak 15 minutes about how I became a Christian and the Park Avenue congregation’s involvement in Japan missions.

Our main purpose for going was to meet people we would not ordinarily have the occasion to meet.  We renewed some old friendships which gave us opportunity to catch up on different situations and people.  It was very enjoyable.

We cut the seminar short a day to return to prepare for the weekend.  Josephine has two classes with the Ochanomizu ladies and I have a bi-lingual sermon for Sunday.  This was our sponsoring congregation while working in Japan.  Several of their members have visited us in Memphis.  Wednesday night classes will begin August 25.  We will study the Holy Spirit.

Evening meal and fellowship time at Summer Seminar.
Sharing information concerning the Park Avenue congregation's involvement in Japan
Burger King is back in Japan. Supper with Steve and Debbie Carrell.



