Japan Quake Rpt: Mar 21 ’11

Ataka Hideki, minister for the Omika church, has posted an addition to a previous post. Here is a rough translation of his post along with the original. Readings for place names and personal names are difficult so I apologize for any error with these. To my Japanese brethren I ask you to include readings for place and personal names. 作文を書く日本人兄弟姉妹にお願いします。場所と人の名前の読み方を書いてください。

Hallelujah brother Adachi Kazutaka
Thank you for your work for the Lord.


* We have heard that brother Shigekuni has been released from the hospital.
* The floor of the Nakaminato church of Christ auditorium is reportable broken
* Because the floor of the Hachinohe church of Christ auditorium is broken, the are reportable meeting in another room of the kindergarten to worship.
* In a telephone conversation with brother Mawatari the Sendai church of Christ building does not have any problem. He desired to phone his daughter, one of the legal representatives of the church and her husband, brother Suzuki Osamu, and sister Yutakako (?).
* At present the understanding is that the Hitachi, Taga, Omika church members have not injuries. Comparatively speaking there is a number of light damage. (Room, fence, etc.)

0 The number of self defense forces is increasing. There are six places in the city to get water. One is the Kuji Junior High School. The first day it took 7 hours waiting, but today it improved to one hour. I began to go around with the local welfare commissioner to the homes of the elders living alone to do some simple repairs and delivered food. There is no longer any need to deliver food in the Hitachi City area. Half the area now has water.

0 The Joban line is still not running. The Joban Expressway is open to Mito. Because of the nuclear problem in Fukushima it is very difficult to go through Fukushima. Omika is 100 kilometers (62 miles) from the Fukushima nuclear reactor. At present the evacuated zone is 30 kilometers (18 miles). If it is extended to 100 kilometers, then eastern Japan will be in a very dangerous situation. Please pray that situation improves.

0 Brother Fukunaga Takumi from the Ochanomizu church delivered rice, miso, and other things. Brother Fukunaga had hoped to go to Tohoku, but could not so delivered it to the Omika church.

0 We would like to take this to Tohoku, but cannot and should not waste it. Tomorrow we will deliver it to the hardest hit area in Hitachi City at the evacuation shelter. But at present we have an adequate supply of food. At that we visited the Japan Nukada Children’s Home and asked them about food. They said if there is some it would be very helpful so we gave them all the food.

We are very thankful for the prayers and consideration of the Ochaomizu church. I went and reported your love to the children there.

I pray that the love of Christ even a little bit will come close to those who are in trouble.

Omika church of Christ – Ataka

ハレルヤ 足立雄飛兄










大みかキリストの教会、 あたか


