Japan Quake Rpt: Mar 21 ’11

Here is a rough translation of the note from Yoshiya Noguchi posted by Kazutaka Adachi, both of the Ochaomizu church in Tokyo, earlier this morning. Pardon the translation of some of the names if they are in error.

To the beloved brothers and sisters of the Ochanomizu church of Christ

I pray in the name of the holy name of the Lord

How are you doing? Presently (March 14-18) in consideration of the state of affairs the church office will be closed and you will be unable to contact us which is an inconvenience.

We communication the following items we have decided In order to minimize confusion.

* Pray for the area and those who have experienced destruction
*This coming Sunday, March 20, we will have morning and evening worship as usual. However, the fellowship meal has been canceled.
* The all church meeting scheduled for March 27 (fourth Sunday) has been postponed. We will announce the next meeting when we can decide.
* Those Ochanomizu members who live close to the destruction (Suzuki Noriyuki, Hosokawa Megumi, Furumichi Mashiko, Noguchi family) are all okay and the life line to them has been reestablished. However, there is still the potential for nuclear fall out so please continue to pray.
* Basically we have been in contact with the Sendai, Hachinohe, Morioka churches and all of the Ibaraki church in the area of destruction and determined that they are okay. However, we have not been able to receive word concerning individual members of these sister congregations. Also it is forbidden to enter the area around the Takahagi church building. And brother Shigekuni Ryoichi of the Hitachi Ota church had an injury and was hospitalized. Also a member of the Ishioka congregation also suffered damage. But all the staff and members of the children’s home are safe, but the special program remembering brother Suzuki Michio(at the Ibaraki Culture Center) scheduled for March 24 has been canceled.
* Concerning support for those areas/individuals hurt, the Tokyo West Ministers’ Group and Ibaraki North Ministers’ Group are now looking into the situation. However, brother Dwight Albright as well as the Mito congregation are working to set up a bank account for accepting contributions. As for as direct communication concerning support from outside Japan to Ochanomizu, brother Suzuki Nobu is kindly handling this.

Regarding this email, this is my, Noguchi’s, understanding having communicated with the elders, church staff, sister congregation’s ministers. If there is a mistake in information or additional information, please contact Noguchi or brother Adachi.

I am thankful for your prayers and your understanding. The prayer and voices of encouragement from so many brothers and sisters within and without are joined together.

In the Lord,
Minister: Noguchi Yoshiya

その後、いかがお過ごしでしょうか? 現在(3/14~18)、様々な状況(じょうきょう)を鑑(かんが)みて、教会事務室をクローズしており、教会に連絡が付かず、ご不便をおかけしております。


伝道者:野口 良哉


