Japan Quake Rpt: Fukuyama

Here is a translation of an email I received from brother Fukuyama, editor of the Fukuin Magazine, via Masa Nonogaki. Sorry for the delay in finding and translating it.


March 28 – To Ministers – From office of Fukuin magazine – Fukuyama Tsugisada

We are very thankful to the ministers and foreign brothers and sister for their warm words of encouragement and support after this big earthquake and tsunami. Yesterday I believe all churches in Ibaraki were able to offer up worship on the Lord’s Day. We would like to report on the damage in the church news section of the April issue of the Fukuin as we learn from ministers. Our biggest pain is the Sendai church of Christ members where two have been unaccounted for following the tsunami.

Concerning the Tohoku Kanto Big Earthquake Disaster

The church news in this magazine will record the status of churches of Christ.

  • Hachinohe church meeting place on the second floor dropped (Shion Kindergarten, currently not operating). They met on the first floor in another room. All members are safe.
  • Morioka church members are safe.
  • Sendai church building (reported through Suzuki Osamu) is safe. Two members (one brother, one sister) who live in the tsunami area are unaccounted for. Other members are safe.
  • The Hachinohe, Morioka, and Sendai areas suffered more extreme damage from the tsunami than from the earthquake. (However, in every members house furniture was tossed about and there was damage to roofs and fences.) Gasoline was also hard to find.
  • In Ibaraki the Nakaminato church building’s roof and ceiling were damaged. Other churches church buildings have damage to the roof tiles. There was not heavy damage to any of the churches. A brother who is a member of the Hitachi-Ota church fell and heavily damaged his ear. He was hospitalized for a week before it healed. We do not have any other reports of members who suffered injuries. All members report damage to roofs, furniture toppled, cracks in the walls, glass broken, and fences down. Transportation has stopped. (It is thought it will resume in the first part of April.) Electricity and water both are stopped (now they have resumed). It continues to be difficult to obtain gasoline. One minister rode his bike for 30 one way to get to the assembly.
  • Currently the discovery of radioactivity has been mass communicated.
  • The damage is much worse to the north of Ibaraki – Fukushima Prefecture, Miyagi Prefecture, Iwate Prefecture. In the future mass communication will tell us of the need for volunteers, support funds, and materials for this area.
  • At this time, March 23, at the Ibaraki Christian School’s Kiara building (Noguchi Yoshiya’s office) three people from the Christian Church stopped by to give gasoline for four ministers close to the school as well as for the car for the Children’s Home.


伝道者の先生方へ 3/28 『福音』誌事務局 福山次定




  • 八戸教会集会所(シオン幼稚園―現在休園―二階)の床部分が下がり、一階の他の部屋で集会。教会員は無事でした)。
  • 盛岡教会の会員は無事でした。
  • 仙台教会(連絡係・鈴木治兄)の会堂は無事でした。
  • 教会員で二人(兄1名、姉1名)が津波の地域に住んでおり行方不明とのことです。その他の教会員は無事でした。
  • 八戸、盛岡、仙台の地域では地震では被害を受けたよりも、津波被害が甚大とのことのようでです。(しかし各教会員の家では家具が倒れたり屋根や塀に損傷があったりしたようです)。またガソリンが入手困難です。
  • 茨城では那珂湊教会の会堂の屋根と天井部分が損傷。他の教会では、教会堂は亀裂などの以外では、各教会とも重大な損傷はないようです。常陸太田教会の兄弟が大地震の余震で転んで外耳の部分から激しく出席し入院、一週間で癒されて退院。他の教会員は怪我などの報告はありません。各教会員の屋根が損傷を受けたり、家具が倒れたり、壁に亀裂が入ったり、ガラスが割れたり、塀が倒れたりした被害はありました。各交通機関がストップし(回復は4月上旬と見られています)。また停電と水道が止まり(現在は回復)、ガソリンが購入できない状態が続いている。ある伝道者は13日の礼拝に出席する為に、片道30を自転車で走ったとのこと。
  • 現在ではマスコミで知られているように放射能問題が発生しています。
  • 茨城より以上に東北の福島県、宮城県、岩手県は被害甚大です。今後については、多くはマスコミで取り上げられている地区へのボランティア活動や支援金、物資などが必要とされています。
  • なお23日には、茨城キリスト教学園キアラ館(野口良哉兄の所)にクリスチャン・チャーチの3人の先生方が仙台の帰りに寄って下さり、ガソリンを茨城キリスト教学園の近くの伝道者4名とチルドレンズホームの自動車に給油して下さいました。


