Lads to Leaders/Leaderettes 2011

One highlight of the 2011 Lads to Leaders/Leaderettes convention was the puppet program which the youth did.  While there were six youth involved in the puppets themselves, several adults were in the background working to bring this about.

Each group participating had fifteen minutes to set up their stage, preform their puppet skit, and then clear the stage.  They were grades on time keeping, content, presentation, and art work.

Our group did an outstanding job.  The clips below do not do them justice.  They are large files so may take a while to download.  The lyrics to the song the fish sing are original and written by Haley.

Many thanks to all those who make this possible as well as those who were on hand to support the group.

L2L ’11 Puppets 1

L2L ’11 Puppets 2

L2L ’11 Puppets 3





