Here is a brief note from Shiro Obata which accompanied the weekly bulletin for the Haruna church (May 7). He and his wife, Rumiko, were able to visit the disaster area. Here is a rough translation:
はるなキリストの教会 小幡史朗
Rough translation:
I would like to say there is a cool summer breeze, but we are still concerned that the atmosphere is contaminated.
I have some wonderful news today. Our beloved missionary couple, brother Paul and sister Stacey, gave birth to a son, Titus, this morning. Both mother and baby are well. Thank you for your prayers.
Also three beloved older sisters from Ochanomizu, Tokyo came for a visit May 7. We have received their help cleaning the church building and good fellowship.

Additionally Rumiko and I are very thankful we were able to go to Ishinomaki May 5-6 to serve disaster victims with brother Joel and the Ibaraki team who are helping the disaster victims. Rumiko was unable to go to help during the Osaka-Kobe earthquake relief which lasted for 3 years. She remained in Tokyo on watch at the church building. But she was able for the first time to visit and was happy to do so this time.
If you go just one hour by car from here, you cannot buy anything because of the disaster. Public transportation is bad. In addition to that there are no cars. It is very popular to bring in vegetables and fruit. There is still much rubble which has not been cleared. There is a need for the removal of rubble and cleaning up. If you can make time, please come and be the hands and feet of Jesus. Brother Joel Osborne of the Mito church is providing splendid leadership so brothers and sisters please contact him, I ask.
Haruna church of Christ – Shiro Obata