Japan Quake Rpt: Obata May 14 ’11

Here is a rough translation of a note accompanying the May 15th issue of the weekly Haruna church bulletin written by Shiro Obata, minister.  Thanks to brother Obata for his help in translating.  He also added some information to the English which was not in the Japanese.

Minamisanriku wooden doll waiting to be found email
Minamisanriku wooden doll waiting to be found email


Shortly after returning to Haruna, Mr.Serizawa of the city office, who is the former manager of Municipal Yusuge Hotel by the lake Haruna where the Ochanomizu church held their summer Bible camp for thirty years, extended a kindness by letting me into the Gunma Haruna City Network. This network is beneficial to me personally and to the church. One example of his kindness was his recommendation of me to the city public relation office where I was introduced in the column ” The man of this town” in the monthly city bulletin. Later I was appointed to vice chairman for the City Developing Basic Plan and other things..


During the first week of May while I was in Ishinomaki-city, I met Mr.T. He is one of the victims in this city.  He strongly requested that these victims need hot rich vegetable soup to eat.  When I shared this with the network member Mr.Shimizu, he and his wife were so moved and enthusiastically said let’s do it!.


This couple along with me and the Haruna and Ochanomizu churches have helped in various ways, one is forestry experiments for the youth. He took me to his storage facility and showed me a lot of equipment for cooking for a large number of people. He really helps with the town youth activities in the field or so forth.  There were many big pots and pans, big cookers, big water tanks 200-300 liters. He also has many trucks, vans, and a camping car.  He said we could use these tools freely and also he will supply vegetables too.

実際、この方は町の青少年活動などで、このようなこともなさっている方なので豊かな経験をお持ちです。トラックやキャンピング・カーもお持ちです。土、日でしたらとおっしゃいますので、金曜の夜出て、土曜日の夜に帰ってくるというスケジュールで定期的に行えればと願っています。私の都合で6月の中旬から、ほぼ一ヶ月はほかの用事で動けなくなりますが、みなさんのご都合をお伺いして、なるべく早く定期的に行えるようにと願っています。このような多くの方々の「絆」でもって、今回の被災者の方々に幾分かでも、「ぬくもり」をお分かちできればと祈らされています。はるなキリストの教会 小幡史朗

Tome razing tilted building email
Tome razing tilted building email

In reality this person helps with the youth of the city among other things. He also does things like this since he is financially well endowed. He also has a truck and camping car. He suggested the schedule of leaving late on Friday and returning late on Saturday. According to my schedule I will be involved in another work from the middle of June for at least a month. I inquire as to peoples’ (your) schedules that as quickly as possible they (you) schedule these trips. I pray that this will help those disaster victims who are tethered by this disaster to feel our mutual concern for them.

I thank God that He moves many so called non-Christians to show His Love and let them working with us and holding victims for Him warmly.

Haruna church of Christ – Shiro Obata




