Japan Quake Rpt: Humble Thanks

Since the earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear problem, we have been overwhelmed with financial support and encouragement from so many.  To date (May 22 ’11) we have received donations from 39 states, one territory, and four foreign countries.  Many of these donations come with short notes of encouragement.  Here are a few of these which I hope will help you see the love and support so many have for the relief efforts in Japan through the Mito congregation.

At the present time your plenty will supply what they need … 2 Co 8:14.

Michigan – Here’s a check for our friends in Japan. Please forward to Mito Church of Christ. Thank you for organizing this, so we can help our friends in Ibaraki!”

Texas – We are praying for these people and are happy to be able to help in a small way to make their lives a little better. Thanks for letting us help in this much-needed work.”

Arkansas – “This past Saturday over 70 people participated in the first Frisbee Jam for Japan on the campus of Harding University. … The purpose of the even was to raise both money and awareness of the ongoing need of those suffering through the aftermath of the earthquake and tsunami off the coast of Japan on March 11, 2011. .. It is our desire and prayer that these funds be used to ease the suffering of those most affected by this tragedy.

Oregon – Early on our congregation wanted to send some money to Japan to help members of the church deal with this disaster but we did not know how to get money to those in the affected area. We appreciate your willingness to take on this task. We appreciate your work in posting information about the various congregations and people in Japan on your web site. Your personal experience and the Park Ave congregation’s involvement in Mito and other places in Japan gives us confidence that the funds we are sending will be used as we intend.

Hong Kong – Thank-you for your effort in assisting the victims in Japan for the recent tsunami and nuclear crisis. We … will continue to keep you and the affected families in prayers. Please forward the attached check … for the Mito church of Christ.

Missouri – An area-wide effort to bring the congregations in the Saint Louis Metro area together in praise, worship, and fellowship … decided that the offering from March’s assembly would be sent to church of Christ organizations working in Japan with the disaster effort. … We prayerfully hope that the people in Japan will be reached for Christ, as you serve them.

France – It is our pleasure and love for our brethren in Japan that we send this small contribution. … We wish we could do more, but be used our entire benevolence budget to make this contribution. May God bless you in the relief you can provide to our brethren!

Virginia – We thank you for all of your efforts in helping the people of Japan recover during this difficult time. My wife and I were [in Japan] for LST. We made many great friends and have come to love the people of Japan. We pray God will bless the church in Mito as they distribute the funds and supplies and that through them and other Christians working in Japan, Christ may be seen and felt.

Maine –Our small church of Christ congregation in northern Maine (currently ten people meeting in homes) is sending the enclosed contribution for Japan earthquake disaster relief efforts. … Thank you for the work you are doing coordinating relief funds for the victims of the Japan devastation. May your efforts provide spiritual as well as physical benefits to the recipients, and may your work glorify God.

Mississippi – I am sending this donation to you to help with your reief efforts in Japan. Thank you for what you are doing and will be doing to help there. May heart is broken from all the news I hear and the pictures I see on TV. I live in Gulfport, MS and will forever remember how hurricane Katrina tore our work apart. Then so many good Christians … came to help us. Thank you again.

Arizona – We pray each day for all those folks, and appreciate being able to send a token to help in their recovery.

Indiana – A church in Indiana heard about Paul’s lemonade stand. They took up a special collection and sent it to us so we could pass it on to you.

Montana – (phone conversation) “My son is having a birthday party.  He wants his friends to donate money for the relief effort rather than give him presents. Can those funds be used for children? … I’m glad they can.

Texas – Our small group … put on a garage sale … for the Japan relief effort.  We are blessed to be able to help in this way and pray God will be glorified through it!  Thank-you for the service and sacrifice you all give to love on the people of Japan!


