Albright Japan Trip – Jun 1 ’11

Plans have been made for our trip to Japan for 2011.  Included in this trip will be attendance at the Asian Missions Forum in Chiang Mai, Thailand, and a visit to the Hayes in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

We leave Memphis Monday, July 25, for Japan.  We will settle our things at the dorm in Tachikawa before heading to Thailand, July 29, and then Cambodia, August 3.  We will return to Japan August 9 and stay until October 5.  Confirmed engagements include:

  • Attend the Ibaraki Summer Seminar – August 12-13
  • Worship with the Tomobe congregation – August 14
  • Worship with the Tachikawa congregation – August 21
  • Four classes with the Ochanomizu church – August 24, 31, September 7, 14
  • Four classes with the Tachikawa church – August 25, September 1, 8, 15
  • Attend the Hakone Bible Camp with the Ochanomizu church – August 26-28
  • Worship with the Yokota and Uenohara congregations – September 4
  • Worship with the Mito congregation – September 11
  • Attend the Ibaraki area ministers’ meeting – September 12
  • Worship with the Ochanomizu church – September 18
  • Attend the Japan School of Evangelism lectureship – September 19
  • Worship with the Hachinohe, Morioka, and Misawa military congregation – September 25
  • Worship with the Nakada congregation – October 2

We hope to get into the Tohoku area to see the relief efforts coordinated by the Mito congregation and others.  There will be opportunities to visit with many as we travel.   We appreciate the leadership and members of the Park Avenue congregation for giving us the time to do this and for those who help with the expenses.



