[Editor: this information is via an email from the minister of the Haruna church of Christ.] キリストの教会東日本大震災支援会、はるなチームは1月24日(火)、午前10時~午後4時の間に石巻市開成第10団地 集会室においてヴァイオリン・コンサートを計画しています。出演はカメラータ・ジオン主宰者の小田原由美先生。毎年、はるなのクリスマス・コンサートにご奉仕くださっていますが、今回、ぜひ石巻で被災者の皆さんに音楽をプレゼントしたいとお申し出があり、喜んで上記の日時で開催致すことになりました。出演料はゼロ。交通費、食費と前夜の宿泊料を負担します。
私たちの詳細はまだ決めていませんが、お茶か、簡単な昼食を差し上げて、その前後にコンサートをと考えています。そのほか、町の方から子ども用の冬の手袋を200足、他をいただけますので、それも会場にならべて、差し上げようと思っています。よろしく。はるな 小幡史朗
[Editor: here is a rough translation] On January 24 (Tue) the Haruna team of the East Japan Disaster Relief Committee is planning to host a violin concert from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Ishinomaki No. 10 Relief Housing meeting hall. The performance will be by the president of the Camerata Jion, Ms. Odawara. Each year she has performed for the Haruna Christmas Concert. This time she said she would like very much to give the disaster survivors a present of music. We are happy to offer it at the time above. There is no cost for the performance. We will take care of the expenses for transportation, food, and lodging.
We hope to coordinate this with the efforts from the Disaster Relief Committee. We could serve oshiruko (sweet red beans and omochi, rice cake) before the performance. Also we will give them 200 pairs of children’s gloves, many new pots and pans, many 2012 calendars, some furniture, books, and heavy duty clothes which people in the city donated. We will also give a key-board for their meeting room there which one of our members gave.
Haruna – Shiro Obata