[Editor: This report and rough translation is from brother Obata via his Face Book page.]

Haruna Chinese Cabbage to Shichigahama, Miyagi Japan

Early in the morning yesterday (Feb 7 ’12) I went out and waited at B-san’s local produce field. From it we harvested 100 round Chinese Cabbages weighing 2 kilograms (2.2 pounds) each. S-san told me about this. This time we are planning on going to Shichigahama, a town of about 70 homes near Sendai. This small peninsula was the breakwater for Matsushima, a group of famous islands also near Sendai. The section of this peninsula toward the Pacific Ocean was terribly destroyed by the tsunami. On the mountain side the land subsidence was also very bad. We will also take some shitake (a type of mushroom) produced in Haruna which is safe. The radioactive fall out has contaminated the shitake from the peninsula and made it unsafe to eat. They will receive these things with great joy.