私の車は小さいものですから、私が以前いました東京の御茶の水キリストの教会から大型車と安達兄の運転で応援を頼み、まず、宮城県七ヶ浜の在宅被災者45世帯(世話役 伊藤さん)に45kg、次に東松島市根古の仮設住宅45世帯(世話役 菅井さん)に45kg、三番目は石巻市の社会福祉協議会に陣中見舞いで10kgの箱、2箱。災害復興支援対策課の伊藤課長さんが驚かれ、くれぐれも皆さまにお礼をお伝え下さいとのことでした。四番目は石巻市開成第11仮設住宅団地(世話役 三浦さん)に80kg、同第10仮設団地(世話役 松川さん)に60kgを差上げてまいりました。皆さん、感謝、感激、感動でした。明日からはリクエストのあった焼きそばパーティ―を石巻で行います。また、結婚写真のお手伝いもします。
[Editor: Rough translation of this June 19, 2012, report from Shiro Obata and relief work in Miyagi Prefecture.]
The work of the Eastern Japan Disaster Relief Group since last March has been received the great prayer and support for everyone. We offer heartfelt thanks. Thank you. Thanks to your support our small group has been able to do many different things to help.
This past spring I went with a member from our city, Mr. O-san, to a temporary housing project in Higashi Matsu Shima. Haruna is known in Japan as the second best place for plums. We asked if they would like to receive some plums. So this time Mr. & Mrs. S-san and O-san went to a great deal of trouble along with O-san, M-san, H-san, T-san, S-san, T-san, A-san, and S-san to gather 250 kg (551 lbs) of delicious unripe plums. [Editor: unripe plums are used to make umeboshi and other delicious eats.]
Because my car is very small, I asked brother A from the Ochanomizu church of Christ where I worked before to drive a big truck. We first went to Nanahama in Miyagi Prefecture to 45 houses of disaster victims who were at home (I-san was our go between) and delivered 45 kg (99 lbs). Next we went to Neko in Higashi Matsu Shima to 45 temporary houses to deliver another 45 kg (99 lbs) of plums (S-san was our go between). Our third stop was at the social services center in Ishinomaki and gave the workers two 10 kg (22 lbs) boxes of plums. I-san, the director of the group planning the restoration from the disaster was surprised and asked that we please tell those who contributed the plums thank you. Our fourth stop was the number eleven temporary housing project for Ishinomaki. There we gave 80 kg (176 lbs) (M-san was our go between). Then at number ten temporary housing project we gave 60 kg (133 lbs) (M-san was our go between). Everyone was thankful, inspired, and deeply moved. The next day we had a yakisoba party (fried noodles with vegetables and meat) per their request. Also we helped with pictures for a wedding.
Last fall F-san gave nashi (Asian pear) from Haruna. This winter S-san gave hakusai (Chinese cabbage). S-san and O-san gave a type of onion. They especially appreciate fruits and vegatbles.
We desire to continue helping for at least three years. In the future I think we will make requests for continued help. Thank you in advance for considering these requests. We pray for your continue good health.
June 19, 2012
Churches of Christ Eastern Japan Disaster Relief Committee – Haruna Team