東日本大震災の被災者で援助の手が届いていない方々がまだ、まだ! 先月、初めて出会った方々は、いわゆる見做し仮設におられる方々。またしても、この方々には支援はほとんど来ないということで驚き。教会にバザーで買ったものだが、食器類があるとお話ししましたら、お使いいただけるということで、今日、車に満載でお届けしてきました。新品ですが箱などは汚れていて、申し訳ないほどのものでしたが、喜んでくださって恐縮でした。写真はその一部です。朝、5時にでて南三陸 2か所、石巻 1か所を回り、往復、916km、夕9時半に無事に帰って来られて感謝!
Assistance still has not reached many of the victims of the Great Eastern Japan Earthquake. Last month we met those living in what is non-governmental, non-collective housing. I was surprised to hear that very little support had come to them. I told them that we had many dishes which the church had purchased. When they said they could use them, we loaded the car and took the dishes to them today. I apologized that these new dishes were in dirty boxes. But they were over joyed to receive them and deeply appreciative. This picture is just one of many boxes we took. We left at 5:00 in the morning and went to two places in Minami Sanriku and one place in Ishinomaki. We traveled 916 kilometers (570 Japanese miles) round trip returning safely at 9:30 that evening. Thanksgiving!