昨日は日帰りで東松島の仮設住宅へご奉仕。O先生のヴァイオリンとヴィオラ、N先生のピアノ、それに夏の風物詩 イチゴ、メロン、ハワイアンブルーのかき氷。中学生のYさんも初めて参加。ここでのコンサートは二回目。みなさんは実によい聴衆。演奏者も引き込まれて熱演。Yさんは、すっかり、おじいさんの氷屋さんの店員さんになって大活躍。お代わりもして、なお、氷が残ったので七ヶ浜のIさんにお電話。近所に声をかけてくださるというので直行。かつては75軒あった地域も津波後は閑散、子どもも全員集まったというが6名。短い時間ではありましたが、だからこそ中身の濃いお交わりをいただけました。O先生が大きな車を出してくださり、その上、運転もしてくださって、一足早く敬老の日を味わいました。疲れました
Yesterday, July 24, we made a round trip to the temporary housing project in Higashi Matsushima to minister to the residents. Miss O played the violin and viola. Miss N played the piano. We had strawberry, melon, and blue Hawaii shaved ice which is a summer time treat. Yumi, a junior high student, came for the first time.
This was our second concert. It was a very good audience. The performers were encouraged and gave a very enthusiastic performance. Yumi became like a member of a shaved ice stand and was a very big help.
There was some ice leftover so we called Mr. Itoh in Shichigaoka. He called around in the neighborhood and we served seventy-five houses. This area was washed away by the tsunami. All the children in the community came, six in all. In spite of the short time we were with them, we had a very good time of fellowship.
We went in Miss O’s big van. She also did the driving for which we are grateful. It felt like we were celebrating Respect for the Aged Holiday early. It was tiring, but a very grateful day.