Ray Rpt – Feb 13 ’15


It is already February.  It has been quite cold, but very little snow.  During the day, it has been around 40, but at night it gets to about 24.  It has been raining more this winter.

Yasuki Nishimura
Yasuki Nishimura

We had our meeting in January and decided to try to hire Yasuki Nishimura as an intern preacher.  There is not enough money to give him much, but I will give him all that the church here gives me, about $725 a month.  He will work part time to get enough to live on.  That means that we will have that much less to live on here.  Money is not the reason that I became a missionary and I trust that God will provide.  I know that there are so many people asking for money. But if you can help, I would greatly appreciate it.

That is the big news.  I will finally have some help.  Yasuki is a fine young man with a Christian family to help him.  I baptized him when he was in the 6th grade.  His mother was baptized 6 years before that.  I baptized his wife before they were married and did the wedding ceremony.    His father is still not a Christian.  I pray that we can work together with God to build the Tomobe church up.  Please keep us in your prayers.

This July 7th will be the Tomobe church’s 30th anniversary.  We are thinking and planning on how to use this day for some kind of evangelism.

We are also, planning the Spring Camp.  It is too cold to work much now, but I hope it will be warmer in May.  Mostly, we will be cleaning up and making things look better, as this is the 60th year of camp there.  There are many things lying around that we have to take to the trash center, broken aluminum window frames, doors and old plastic roofing material.  It is a long way down to this place, so we have been stacking things up, waiting for a chance to take them.  We are also thinking about a person to speak at the celebration ceremony.  All the founders have died.  Joe Cannon was one of the first leaders, along with 2 Japanese men, Nidaira-san and Chinone-san.

I do thank you all for your help over the years.  God has blessed us always and we thank Him.  May He bless you all in this year.

Serving Him in Japan, Marlin and Jean Ray

"Seven swans a swimming" in the lake in front of our house.
“Seven swans a swimming” in the lake in front of our house.
Mr. & Mrs. John Matsumoto
Mr. & Mrs. John Matsumoto came for a visit.



