Nonogaki Rpt – Jan 20 ’15

My Reflections on My Harding Years

I had rich biblical education at Harding School of Theology in Memphis TN.  I would not trade it for anything.  I was intellectually challenged and thought about a lot of theological questions.  It was simply God’s blessing.  No doubt about it.  However, that time my goal was to finish my degree as soon as possible and to go back to Japan to work there.  I neglected lots of practical applications for my own life.  As a result I did not grow as I should have.   Now I have started reading some of the text books which I had not fully applied to my life that time.  I have been learning more than ever about God, Christ, the Holy Spirit, church, prayer life and Christian growth.  A couple of weeks ago I finished reading a book on mentoring.  This week I started reading a book on leadership and spiritual growth.  Thank God for his continuous guidance and direction.

This teaches me about God’s providential guidance.  God always calls us to follow him in a full capacity although we often fail to do so.  His love is much bigger than our failures, so he can patiently wait for our response.  He needs to be much more patient with somebody like me because I often overlook His guidance.


