Nonogaki Rpt – May 14 ’15

We Need Your Prayers

A young couple (Masashi and Chikako) have attended the service since early January in 2014.  They have been very faithful to the Lord and helpful to the congregation.  Masashi, the husband, started a short prayer time with other members of the church after the service was over.  It was a very fruitful time for all of the members.  Also he helped me in many ways I could not do.  Thank God for this.  Recently his job shift has changed.  He has more responsibilities.  He has to work on Sundays and has been busy all week.  This is a trial for both him and the whole congregation.

Another faithful Christian (Shu) recently changed his job.  He was always faithful and never skipped the service.  But now he has to work on Sundays.  With God’s blessings he is able to take a day off twice a month.

We need strength and wisdom from the Lord so that we can see things clearly.  May God strengthen the Yokota Church of Christ.



