The majesty and glory of God.
God has no rival, but we created human beings act and believe he does. Jerusalem had their idols. They had carved images and political alliances. They thought both could save them. Any good thing was attributed to the idol and military protection was attributed to a political alliance. Neither could save Jerusalem when Babylon came. Nothing is new. The world still operates through political alliances and trusting man made objects and ideas. God has no rival. This truth is found in creation and in predictive prophecy. Look up in the night sky and imagine that each point of light reveals God’s creative abilities. God foretold that Jerusalem would fall long before Babylon appeared. He also foretold that a servant would come who would bring restorative hope to Jerusalem and all nations. We of this century wait for God’s next prophecy to be fulfilled — the return of Jesus and the judgment to follow. We do not know when this will happen, but we trust Him who foretold it. God has no rival.