Jeremiah 26-29

The destruction of Jerusalem has begun.  Historically, there were three attacks from Babylon.  The first came in 605 B.C.  The second in 597 and the final attack came in 587.  With the last attack came the destruction of the temple.  In Chapter 26, Jeremiah announces the first attack is coming.  In Chapter 27, Jeremiah announces the third and final attack.  Our text covers approximately 15 years of time.  During this time, Jeremiah receives death threats; wears a wooden yoke for several months to visualize the captivity that is coming; and has multiple “debates” with false prophets.  It is during the debates that the people are given an opportunity to choose which message they will believe — the message of truth or a false message.  The false messages give people immediate satisfaction and false hope.  The truth announces that people are going to have to change the way they think and act.  Jeremiah’s message never changes.  Each false prophet’s message is shown to be false and yet the people continue to believe the false messages.  We have a difficult time accepting truth.  False messages that massage our egos and promise easier lives are more readily accepted.  The message of truth from God has always been the same.  He calls for us to change our hearts and to align our lives with him.  He calls for us to lose self and seek what is best for others.  He calls for us to trust Him rather than anything this world has to offer.  Every generation has to choose which message they will hear.



