Jeremiah 35-37

The private faith.
Zedekiah was Jerusalem’s last king.  His years as king were spent in chaos and disorder.  Babylon was a constant threat and eventually destroyed the city.  Jeremiah 37 depicts a king with a dual approach.  Publicly he listens to false prophets and pursues false gods.  Privately he seeks Jeremiah’s input and godly prophetic voice.  What allows a person to have a dual approach to life?  Fear.  Approval.  Not sure about what one believes.  Zedekiah’s double life did not change the outcome for Jerusalem nor did it lead others to greater faith.  Leading a double life is not new.  Some profess faith on Sunday and forget that faith on Monday.  Others live boldly and courageously publicly and deal with loneliness, isolation and uncertainty privately.  May our lives be consistent publicly and privately.  May our faith be genuine.  May we have a single purpose, direction, and focus.  May God be honored through us.



