Jeremiah 51-52

Prophecy against Babylon.
God chooses Babylon to be his instrument of destruction not only against Jerusalem but against many nations.  God must deal with sin.  God’s timing for such judgment isn’t always what we want.  In time, God will deal with Babylon’s sin as well.  Babylon was God’s chosen nation for judgment but Babylon went too far.  Babylon claimed that their god, Bel, was responsible for their victories.  Babylon desecrated the temple.  God saw the destruction, the desecration and the arrogance and promised that He would punish Babylon for its sins.  God brings the rise and fall of nations.  He continues to work in the kingdoms of the world.  Nothing escapes God’s attention.  In time, the exiles returned to Jerusalem.  In time, Babylon’s power began to weaken until the Persian empire destroyed it.  In time, God punished Babylon.  In time, the people rebuilt the temple and the walls around Jerusalem.  This history reminds us that God is still at work.  We live and operate in God’s time.  Trust Him.



