The Temple.
A detailed description of the temple is given. Measurements, carvings, furniture and tools are described in great detail. It can be difficult to wade through. Our eyes tend to glaze over or if we are given to visual images, we try to imagine what every room looked like. We may even ask one simple question — why? Why is this description and details here? What’s the purpose? God has promised Israel that he will restore them and their nation. Their beloved temple has been destroyed and burned. The vision is for the future. It speaks of restoration but it is more than mere words. The blueprint for the temple is given and with these details comes hope. 25 years of captivity have passed. There are 45 more years. But now there is a detailed promise of what is to come. There will be a new temple built to specification. There will be ornate fixtures. The beauty that once was will be again. God give us more than words about our future with Him. He gives us visual images of beauty and peace. The images speak of hope and assurance. There will be a day when we will be with God. Come Lord Jesus!