Sign of Jonah.
People keep asking Jesus to prove his claims. They continue to ask for a sign that will convince them that he is the Messiah. His teaching and his healing have been ignored. Jesus knows that enough evidence exists for those who want to believe. For those who do not want to believe no evidence will be sufficient. Jesus says the final piece of evidence is going to be the sign of Jonah. Jonah spent three days in the big fish and then was spit out. Jesus will spend three days in the earth and then will walk the earth again. This sign has been derided for centuries. Numerous alternative explanations have been given to the sign. But for those who seek, the sign convinces. When our hearts are open, the teaching, the miracles and the sign of Jonah are more than enough to demonstrate the truth about Jesus. When hearts are closed, the signs are explained away. Let’s make sure that our hearts are open. Confidence for living in this world will be the result.