Matthew 22 and Mark 12

Small but large.
She was a widow.  She was poor.  There are no children mentioned and in all likelihood there aren’t any.  She comes to the temple to give.  There were required taxes associated with the temple.  This is a gift not a requirement.  She didn’t have to give anything.  No one would have thought less of her if she had chosen to keep what little she had.  Jesus has been watching the gift giving.  Some have come with a large contribution and made a show of it.  She comes humbly to give a small amount.  No fanfare.  No limelight.  She has a heart to give.  Jesus notices and does not take speak to her.  He speaks to his disciples.  Giving is a sign of the heart.  To call attention to the gift is to lack humility.  The son of God sees what was done quietly and with humility.  He notices the heart of the giver and admires her generosity.  We are released from being noticed.  Our hearts are free to serve.  With humility we do for others without the need or desire to be recognized.  It is enough for us that God sees, knows, and is pleased with what we do.  Let’s live in humility’s freedom each day.



