1 Corinthians 12-14

Paul writes that not only what we do matters but why we do it matters as well.  If we give so as to be recognized and rewarded, then our giving is really for nothing.  If we can make great speeches and do that without love, then our words are empty and meaningless.  Paul’s love isn’t sentimental.  Paul writes about a love that endures, hopes, trusts, and is resilient.  This kind of love isn’t based on how we feel.  It is based on seeking what is best for others.  This kind of love lasts.  This kind of love motivates us to be less concerned about ourselves and more concerned about others.  This kind of love is distinctive and encouraging.  This kind of love does not destroy but it builds up.  Our world needs this love.  God has called us to love.  Let’s listen to God’s call.



