Acts 27-28

Armed guards.  Wind and rain.  Strangers.  Unexpected plan changes.  Through all the uncertainty of the events leading to Rome, Paul has the advantage.  In chains and threatened with death when the ship is going to be abandoned, Paul is the one who speaks from God.  He calms fears and encourages strength.  The very uncertainties of life are eased because of the faith of Paul and his companions.  In many ways, we speak with confidence in a world that is uncertain.  While we cannot predict the immediate future events, we can speak with certainty about our faith.  This world may ignore us but that does not shake our faith nor result in our silence.  Chaos is the result of sin’s presence.  Confidence is the result of faith.  May our faith be seen in the chaos.  We will not join the voices of chaos but will remain confidently assured because of our faith.  “Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine.”



