Colossians and Philemon

Think about the things of heaven not the things of earth.  Easier said than done.  We are tied to this world through a physical senses.  We breath the air and depend upon the food that comes from this earth.  We, however, have been raised to a new life.  Our new life finds meaning in Christ.  Paul tells us to concentrate on Jesus who is seated at God’s right hand.  We do not pursue the things of this world but we pursue the things that coincide with our new life.  Paul uses the analogy of wearing new clothes.  Our new clothes are mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, patience and forgiveness.  Think of getting dressed each morning and allow each item of clothing to be named.  With each item we are prayerful for peace and thanksgiving.  As you get dressed each day to prepare for the very real world we live in, remember we have new clothes.  Our clothes look like those around us but our new clothes are reminders that we are tied to Jesus who is seated with God in heaven.



