
How to live.
Paul’s instruction to Titus about how to live (2:11-14) is clear.  We are to shun godless living and sinful pleasures while pursuing godly lives marked by self-control and righteousness.  Paul goes on to write that our focus is to be on the return of Christ.  Every part of our existence is based on Christ’s return.  It is his return that allows us to avoid sinful pleasures and pursue godliness.  It is because Christ will return that we dedicate our lives to self-control rather than seeking our own way.  Our thoughts and resulting actions hinge on our understanding that there is more than this world.  We know that Jesus will return and this world will end.  Knowing affects how we live.  We are eager to do good in this world because we know there is so much more waiting for us.  Let’s encourage each other with this truth.



