Earthquake Relief Report – Obata Mar 4 ’16

Minami Sanriku Natari Elementary SchoolAgain this year on March 4 at 10:30 a.m. we hosted a wonderful gift concert of soprano, mezzo-soprano, and piano artists at the Minami Sanriku Natari Elementary School for Great East Japan Disaster.

The three artists returned each year in March to calm the children through singing and conversations. They also lead the children in singing loudly and vigorously. They wished everyone in Japan and the world could hear them sing for they sound better than the voices of the Vienna Children’s Chorus.

The program this year began with “Do, Re, Me.” There were other pieces listed in the Japanese. The pianist played “Puppy Waltz,” and the children’s eyes spun around. Last year after playing a piece from Turkey, a child said in a loud voice, “That was difficult. He played very well.” The room was filled with the children’s laughter. We sang “Spring Has Come.” Lastly we sang “The Sun Is in Our Hand” which could be heard to the sky.

I am very thankful from the bottom of my heart to the three artists who, in spite of their busy schedules, gave their full energy to these precious children. To these artists we wish the best and our prayers. I am always grateful for the honor of driving and providing transportation.

Shiro Obata, Haruna Church of Christ


今年のプログラムは、「ドレミのうた」で始まり、湯山昭の歌曲を3曲、幻想曲 さくらさくらで子どもたちを夢の世界に誘い、次は野口雨情の歌を3曲、そして世界の名曲より、ジャンニスキッキ、「私のお父さん」、カルメンから、「ハバネラ」。これは勝手に私が一人でワクワクしています。また、ピアノに戻って「子犬のワルツ」で子どもたちの目をくるくるさせましょう。~昨年のトルコ行進曲は、弾き終わったら、ひとりの子どもが、「難しいのに、よく拓郎さんは弾けましたね」と大声をあげ、いっぺんに会場は和やかな笑いに包まれました。その子は、習っているところだったそうです~ 「春が来た」を歌ってから、終わりにみんなで、「手のひらを太陽に」を天にとどけと歌います。


