Author: Dana Baldwin

  • Revelation 19-22

    The Tree. The Bible ends where it began — with the tree of life.  Adam and Eve were cast out of the garden because of their sin.  The Bible in […]

  • Revelation 12-18

    God’s Wrath. Throughout this section, we are told that eventually God’s wrath is exerted.  There are times for evil to win, but then God steps in and punishes.  His punishment […]

  • Revelation 6-11

    Judgment. Seven seals leads to seven trumpets.  Two out of three woes occur.  Angels are released and they act.  Two witnesses die and are resurrected.  Lots of activity and events.  […]

  • Revelation 1-5

    Jesus the Lamb. From the beginning, we are told that Revelation is from Jesus about events that are soon to take place.  We are told that it is intended to […]

  • 2 & 3 John

    Encouragement. In the latter part of the 1st century, preachers and teachers depended on the generosity of fellow Christians to survive financially and physically.  Believers provided food, lodging, and money for […]

  • 1 John

    Confidence. John wants us to be confident about our relationship with God.  He wants us to know that we have continual forgiveness because of Jesus.  We have confidence because our […]

  • 2 Peter and Jude

    Scoffers. There will always be those who do not believe in Jesus.  Those who believe in Jesus, his life, and his saving actions will always be open to ridicule from […]

  • 2 Timothy

    Finishing well. This is Paul’s last letter.  Paul encourages Timothy to complete his tasks with confidence and boldness.  While there are several encouraging texts in this letter, the one that […]

  • Hebrews 11-13

    Faith. Faith is confident about our hope.  Faith trusts in what cannot be seen.  Faith perseveres.  Faith understands that challenges will come.  Faith acts when others ridicule.  Faith believes God […]

  • Hebrews 7-10

    Worship. As believers we long for the time that we will see God face to face.  Until that day, worship becomes the means by which we enter into God’s presence.  […]