Tag: Ochanomizu

  • Japan 2022 Trip – Aug 22-Nov 2

    On November 2, 2022, Josephine and I returned from a ten and a half weeks trip to Japan. It has been three years since we were there to minister. It was good to be in Japan. This will be a report of some of the things we did during those weeks. Upon coming out of…


    his past Tuesday, September 10, marked the halfway point of this trip. Over the past five weeks, we have worshiped with six congregations from as far north as Hachinohe, Aomori, and as far southwest as Kojima, Okayama. The time in between has been dedicated to studying and lesson preparation. We were asked to cover three…

  • Albright Japan Trip – Oct 10 ’17

    This is the twenty-first consecutive year we’ve ministered in Japan. This year was special in that we made two trips (April 24–June 23; August 14-October 11). The purpose of these trips is to share lessons to help build up the church and to encourage Christians and churches. One of the first things we do upon…

  • Albright Japan Trip – June 20 ’17

    As I begin writing this report, we are three days away from leaving. I’ve delayed writing this because of our schedule of activities, but must finally put an account of the last six weeks of activity. Josephine and I took an overnight trip to Kamakura and Enoshima. This was the location of government in Japan…

  • Albright Japan Rpt – Sep 1 ’15

    Another two weeks have passed. The big event during this time was the Ochanomizu church’s Hakone Bible Camp. The word “camp” is probably a misnomer as it is held in a very nice hotel near Hakone with excellent meals. The theme for the camp as well as for the year is unity taken from Ephesians…

  • Albright Japan Trip ’14 – Rpt 5

    As I begin to write this report, we have just been through typhoon #18. Our travel plans for today were canceled because the morning schedule for the Shinkansen (Bullet Train) was suspended due to heavy rain and high winds. Within six hours the typhoon had blown further north and we welcomed blue sky and bright…

  • Albright Japan Trip ’14 – Rpt 4

    With only three more Sundays remaining for this trip, the pace of the travel picks up. The past three weeks have been very exciting. The three lessons for the Japan School of Evangelism went very well. These are recorded and the DVD’s made available for use in churches. The first lesson was entitled “Baptism: A…

  • Albright Japan Trip ’14 – Rpt 3

    We have completed four weeks of this ten week trip. The past two weeks involved one of the highlights of the trip, the Ochanomizu Bible Camp. When we use the word “camp” here, don’t think of tent or small rustic cabins. Rather think of a nice hotel perched between Mt. Fuji and the Suruga Bay…

  • Albright Japan Trip ’14 – Rpt 2

    Today (August 19) marks two weeks into this Japan trip. Our travels here from Memphis were uneventful but it continues to be a long trip. One surprise this year was the limitation of only one checked bag each by Delta Airlines. Not that we had checked two bags apiece before, but we did usually have…

  • Albright Japan Trip ’14 – Rpt 1

    Josephine and I are once again in Japan to minister to congregations. We arrived August 5 and will return to Memphis October 15. Below is a schedule of our trip.  教会に奉仕するために、ジョサフィンと私はまた日本に滞在します。8月5日着きまして、10月15日に帰ります。私たちのスケジュールは以下にあります。 August / 8月 10 ~ Yokota church (Tokyo) (Military, Japanese) 横田教会(米軍、日本人) 17 ~ Tachikawa church (Tokyo) 立川教会 22-24 ~ Hakone Bible Camp (Shizuoka) with…