Tag: Rogers
Japan 2022 Trip – Aug 22-Nov 2
On November 2, 2022, Josephine and I returned from a ten and a half weeks trip to Japan. It has been three years since we were there to minister. It was good to be in Japan. This will be a report of some of the things we did during those weeks. Upon coming out of…
Rogers Report – July 28, 2022
Hello and happy summer everyone! I can’t believe it, I just looked and it’s been three months since I last sent out a report. Wow, time is continuing to fly! For so long, mainly because of Covid, days and weeks just tend to look the same. We as a church family are unable to have…
Rogers Report – April 29, 2022
Konnichiwa from Kojima! (That means hello!) On Resurrection Sunday, our church was able to have a large meeting outside, complete with inviting friends, worship and Bible study, a picnic, and even an Easter egg hunt. See pictures below. I apologize I didn’t get any Easter egg hunt photos. But you all know what that looks…
Brent Rogers – Celebration of Life
Brent Wood Rogers was born July 4, 1959, in Arkansas, U.SA. At a very young age, he felt a strong calling to be a missionary. He graduated from college in 1980. While at college he met and married Sandy. Together they planned a life sharing their faith in Jesus overseas. In 1981 they moved to…
Brent and Sandy Rogers
Brent and Sandy Rogers Brent and Sandy Rogers have been in Japan since 1991 working as vocational missionaries. They operated an English school called Logos in Kojima, Kurashiki in Okayama, Japan (west of Osaka/Kobe). Brent died on December 18, 2017. Since that time, Sandy continued ministering to the congregation in Kojima. Reports: Fall 2015 April…