Dwight & Josephine Albright

Dwight & JosephineDwight and Josephine Albright first went to Japan in 1969 as students at Harding College.  At that time they made a commitment to help spread the Good News in Japan.

They returned to Japan in 1977 with two children (3 years and 1 year) under the oversight and support of the Park Avenue church in Memphis, Tennessee, and several other congregations and individuals.  After a little over two years in language study, they worked with the Uenohara congregation in Yamanashi Prefecture for a little over six years.

Upon their return to the U.S. they continued their work with the Park Avenue congregation and maintained their interest in Japan.  Since 1998 they have made annual trips back to Japan for a month to three months to encourage the workers there and assist in spreading the Good News.

Below are reports on some of these mission trips.

Albright Reports (in order of postings beginning with the latest)