Following in the footsteps of past single women missionaries such as Alice Miller, Sarah Andrews, Hettie Lee Ewing, and Lillie Cypert, Sasha Ingle is serving the Mito church along side Joel Osborne, resident missionary, and Atsushi Tsuneki, minister. She became interested in ministry in Japan through a Let’s Start Talking campaign in Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture, about 100 miles north of Mito.
Sasha was born into God’s family when she was 18 after a friend invited her to worship to meet a recruiter for York College. While attending York College she participated in a summer mission trip to Austria in 2004 and then a LST ministry in Sendai the following year. At that time she felt called to work in Japan. In 2006 she participated in Friends Camp in Sendai. After graduating from York College in 2006, she returned to Japan as a missionary intern in October 2007.
At the invitation of the Mito church Joel and she moved to Mito to begin working with that congregation. She helps coordinate the English Bible School the Mito church has on Sunday evenings throughout the year. But her work is not just limited to that one particular congregation. Being in the Ibaraki area, she is also able to work with the Ibaraki Christian University campus ministry directed by the Omika congregation.
She is overseen and supported by her home congregation, Cheyenne church of Christ, Wyoming. It you would like to help with her support, please contact the Cheyenne church (4704 Allen Rd; Cheyenne WY 82009–9591; 307.632.8428).
Still learning the Japanese language and culture, Sasha makes an impact on those she meets. Please read her reports.