What to wear: Don’t worry! Park Ave. does not have a “dress code” and it is not a “fashion show”. Please wear whatever is comfortable for you, as long as it is modest. When you visit, you will see people wearing anything from flip-flops to coat and tie. The goal is to honor God.
Classes: We have a variety of classes, often organized by age. Adult classes are on a variety of topics, but are all based on God’s word, since we understand that to be the ultimate source of truth and guidance. Our members would be happy to help you find a class that suits you.
During the Sunday worship, we have a children’s church, which is separate from the main meeting. We also have an attended nursery. You are welcome to have your children with you in the main assembly, but these are available if you think they might be a distraction.
Welcome: Please know you are always welcome to join us! We recognize that we are all sinners coming before a holy, but merciful and kind God. We are a gathering of believers trying to help each other experience the warmth of Christian family and encouragement from scripture. Knowing that we are not perfect, we welcome others in their imperfections as we, together, turn toward God.
Singing: We love to praise God and speak to each other in song. When you visit you may notice that the only instrument we use is our own voices, but we believe you will agree that that instrument serves the purpose quite well!
Prayer: Our focus is on God as our friend, provider, strength and anchor. Therefore, we have several prayers addressing our needs and our desires to draw nearer to Him and to each other.
Preaching: Most of the sermons are from an expository approach, which means that we look deeply at some particular passage from God’s word and draw practical, biblical encouragement and instruction from there. The object is to hear what God would tell us, rather than just man’s thoughts. Over time, we are able to look into every part of the Bible and hear all of God’s message.
Communion: Before we take the Lord’s supper each week, we typically have some comments and prayer from a member with the intent of helping us “Do this in remembrance” of Christ.
After the comments the trays are passed, first the bread and then the juice. If you want to participate, just break off some of the bread and a cup as the tray passes.
Offering: Each week we take a collection to support God’s work both here and around the World. As a visitor, please don’t feel obligated to take part.